Providing Certified Septic Support & Education to Septic Owners Since 2003

There is much confusion among homeowners about what is required by the EPA, the State of Texas, and individual counties.
Before we go any further, it is important that you understand some confusing terminology.
The state uses the terms "Maintenance Contract" when referring to the mandatory INSPECTIONS.
You are required by law to have your system inspected three times a year by a licensed third party Maintenance Provider - HOWEVER, that does NOT include maintenance.
Some companies take advantage of homeowners because of that confusion, selling them something they may not really want.
You DO NOT have to have a maintenance contract that includes maintenance, which is usually around $500-$700 a year.
You DO have to have an inspection contract (referred to as a "MAINTENANCE CONTRACT" by the state) and by authority of your local county permitting office.
You must have a maintenance (inspection) contract in force at all times.
These Required Contracts are usually around $200-$250 a year.
We at United Septic will refer to the required contract as: "Maintenance (Inspections) Contract"
We will refer to the optional contract, which really is a maintenance contract as: "Maintenance Contract with Service".