Providing Certified Septic Support & Education to Septic Owners Since 2003

Septic Mortgage Inspections
Buying or Selling a Home? We will certify the operation of your septic system, whether aerobic or conventional, in a written format to ensure you meet any and all stipulations for closing and have the written certification to you within 24 hours. This applies to FHA, VA, Conventional, Sale by Owner and all other types of loans.
Realty Septic Inspections
Before purchasing an existing home, old or new, an investigation of the septic system is warranted. Taking the time to investigate the home’s septic system may save you from making costly repairs or replacement later.
Newly Constructed Home:
Before Purchasing a newly constructed home, you should:
- Contact your local health department for information on the type of onsite sewage system which was installed. You should learn if the system installed was a standard system, such as septic tank and laterals or was the system installed modified to service the home. Possibly an alternative system or experimental system was installed.
- Verify the location of the onsite system and its proximity to the house, trees, etc. Knowing the precise location of the system is important so that future landscaping, and/or construction of patios, swimming pools (including above ground pools), outbuildings, etc., do not damage the system or render it inaccessible for maintenance or repairs.
- Check with the neighboring homeowners about the types of sewage disposal system they are utilizing. Ask how long their current system has been installed and their likes and dislikes about their particular system.
- Examine the property deed for easements, right-of-ways, etc., which may restrict or prevent the modification of the present system should repairs or alterations be required at a later date.
Existing Home:
- Have the present owner verify the type, size and location of the system installed.
- Question the owner about the age of the system, what repairs or maintenance have been done and how often the septic tank has been pumped. (Septic tanks should be pumped every three to five years depending upon the usage and size of tank.)
- Carefully examine the area for evidence of system malfunction, such as surfacing sewage, excessively wet spots, areas with dense growths, uncut grass or weeds or recently excavated areas.
- Check the property boundary lines (especially in rural areas) for evidence of sewage being piped into gullies, streams, wooded areas, etc. (This is not an acceptable method of sewage disbursement)
- Obtain a signed affidavit from the present owner certifying the size of the system. ( size of septic tank, length of lateral field, etc.)
- Request the monthly water usage from the current occupants of the home, as additional waste flow loading by a larger family, or a different lifestyle, could result in a system which was adequate for the present occupants but completely inadequate for your family.
- Check with the neighboring homeowners concerning the operation of their onsite systems as well as the system serving the home you are considering.
You should also consider having a complete and detailed Realty Septic Inspection performed by a certified installer with a local septic system company. The technician can assist you in determining if the existing onsite system is adequate for the size home it is servicing as it relates to meeting present requirements as based on waste flow sizing calculations. This is important as older systems may have been installed prior to the establishment of new guidelines and regulations or the current system may have been installed improperly or undersized.
With a complete Realty Septic Inspection you will receive a Written Certification of operation, diagram of system location, if available, as well as care and maintenance information regarding the system inspected
Level One – $250 (written Certification available within 24 hours)
Aerobic System
Inspect accessible tanks, lids, risers (or necessity, thereof), aeration pump, control panel box(es), wiring, effluent pump, sprinklers, chlorine level, "scum" level and overall operation efficiency, determine size of tank(s) and tank construction shape and material
Conventional System
Locate tank(s), inspect accessible tank(s) and sludge level if possible; locate, measure and inspect makeup and overall condition of leach field(s) and lines, estimate tank capacity, shape and material
Level Two - $350 (written Certification available within 24 hours)
Aerobic System
Level One + locate and access previously inaccessble tanks, take sludge level measurement in effluent tank and determine necessity for pumping
Conventional System
Level One + locate and access previously inaccessible tanks, inspect bafflles, measure sludge thickness, determine if pumping is necessary, conduct hydraulic overload, conduct dye test, ensure no biomat exists, conduct a soil percolation test to determine leachfield condition
Septic System Diagram (Aerobic and Conventional) - $50
Records for conventional system are not kept by regulatory authorities. Records for aerobic systems are typically kept by regulating authorities, however, there are multiple instances where the record simply does not exist and cannot be found. In thesee circumstances we create a diagram to give you a visual location of your septic system. We have experienced where it has become an invaluable document for a homeowner, especially when buying or selling a home.
Click here for an example of a Septic Diagram:
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Phone: 214-341-3355