Providing Certified Septic Support & Education to Septic Owners Since 2003

Questions & Answers
Aerobic Septic System Problems
Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Systems
Alternative Household Cleaning Solutions
Homeowners Checklist
How Septic Systems Work
Choosing a Service Provider
Questions Applicable to All Types of Septic Systems
Questions Specific to Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Systems
Reasons Why You Cannot Use Swimming Pool Chlorine
Septic Do's and Don'ts
Solving Septic Tank and System Problems
Ten Most Asked Questions About Septic Systems
What Is that Awful Smell?
When to Pump
Why Systems Fail
Aerobic Homeowner's Information
Maintenance Contracts:
Maintenance contracts go into effect the day the system is approved. The original installation contract is good for 2 years from that date. Maintenance contracts must be maintained at ALL times. After 2 years the owner is responsible to renew the contract, but not required to use the original installer. Renewals must be submitted to our department 30 days prior to the expiration of the contract. Failure to do so could result in fines, court cost, and /or suspension of driver’s license!Testing and Reporting:
Maintenance companies shall inspect a system 3 times a year minimum. This shall be done at 4-month intervals. Copies of the report shall be sent to Permitting Authority and to the Homeowner.
Chlorine must be maintained in surface irrigation systems at ALL times. Chlorine is present to destroy any waterborne diseases that may be present. The homeowner is responsible to make sure the system always has chlorine (even if your maintenance contract includes adding the chlorine). Approved chlorine tablets must be used, not swimming pool chlorine.
Property Access:
The owner must provide access to the aerobic unit when requested by the Maintenance Company and/or our department. This shall be provided during normal working hours (8am – 5pm, Monday – Friday). Inspectors are not required to ask permission to enter your property for the purpose of spot checking your septic system or investigating related complaints. Pets must remain fenced or put away from work area while inspections are in progress.
If a problem arises with a unit after installation, contact the Maintenance Company immediately. If at any time a problem is not corrected or the company fails to provide the required maintenance, contact your local health department.
Altering the Aerobic Unit:
Once an aerobic unit has been installed and inspected, it may not be altered (by the owner or a licensed installer) in ANY way. This includes moving or changing the spray of the sprinklers or connecting another residence to the system. If something needs to be altered you must come to our office and apply for a Septic Repair/Upgrade Permit.
Return to TopAerobic Septic System Problems
Aerobic systems operate similarly to conventional systems in that waste water is carried from the house to a tank and after processing is released to an absorption area. Aerobic systems use electric pumps to aerate the waste and promote bacterial action. Some systems pre-treat and/or post treat the waste water entering the tank. Post treatment is performed by introducing disinfectant chemicals (usually chlorine). As a result Aerobic systems are more complicated, have more moving parts, require more home owner attention and professional maintenance. Many localities require annual certification of the system's effectiveness. Given all of this, it is important for the aerobic system homeowner to put his system on an annual maintenance contract purchased through a reputable service provider.
Alarms going off (either visual lights or buzzers, or both)
All aerobic systems come equipped with alarms that are programmed to indicate a malfunction in the system. If chlorine is used by the system, you will want to check to make certain that there is a proper supply of chlorine tablets available to the system. You should also check to see if the circuit breaker for the system has been tripped. If so, reset it. If it continues to trip, you'll need to call in your maintenance service provider to determine the cause. If neither of these are causing the alarm to fire, the problem may be with the pump, compressor, vanes, seals, or filters.
Sewage odors in the yard
Odors in the yard, especially in or near the absorption field indicate a malfunctioning aerobic system. The problem may be as simple as a lack of chlorine available to the system or an indicator of a more serious problem within the tank such as excessive buildup of solids or a malfunctioning pump. For health reasons its important to quickly determine the cause of the odors and fix the problem.
Return to TopAerobic Wastewater Treatment Systems
Clearly aerobic septic systems are the one system that can be applied in almost any situation where septic systems are required. When you own an aerobic system you are basically the owner of a small version of a municipal sewage plant. That is, your aerobic system mirrors many of the steps and activities performed by an urban waste treatment plant. Aerobic systems are similar to septic systems in that both treat wastewater using natural processes. However, unlike the conventional septic system, the aerobic system injects oxygen via a pump into the tank. This increase in oxygen increases the natural bacterial consumption of waste within the system. The best aerobic systems provide a pretreatment tank as well as a final treatment tank with unstabilized chlorine. At this point the resulting discharge water is clean enough and pure enough to be discharged via sprinklers directly over the absorption field. This is a real plus to home owners who don't want to clear trees to create an absorption field and to other homeowners on lots close to a body of water that might otherwise be subject to potential pollution.
Aerobic systems work like this:
Wastewater and effluent enter a pre-treatment tank where grease, oils, toilet paper, and other solids and foreign materials are captured. This helps to reduce the amount of solids entering the aerobic can clog the system and cause malfunctions. Next, the wastewater enters the aerobic chamber where air is compressed and forced into the wastewater to increase the growth of beneficial bacteria that consume the chamber. Too many solids. However, not all solids are consumed by the bacteria, so the mixture next enters a setting or clarifying chamber where any remaining solids can settle. Next the treated water moves to a pumping chamber where is receives a final treatment of unstabilized chlorine. This is not the same chlorine as you use to shock your pool, but rather a highly concentrated, tablet form of chlorine specifically designed for the treatment of wastewater. A float valve within the pump chamber will signal the pump to discharge the water to absorption field. This treated water is then piped to the field and dispersed via pop-up sprinklers.
Typically aerobic systems cost little more than conventional septic systems to install and maintain. Systems are specially designed with alarms and control boxes to assure that they are functioning properly at all times. Because you are basically running your own wastewater treatment plant, it is essential to secure the services of a qualified professional in order to obtain the periodic certification letters required by most permitting agencies. This maintenance contract will assure you that your plant is functioning within specifications at all times. Manufacturers provide a two-year warranty contract as a part of the purchase price. At the end of this time you will need to either renew your maintenance contract or obtain one from another waste water treatment professional. United Septic offers five levels of aerobic system maintenance contracts for aerobic system owners. Regardless of the type of system you would like to install, the starting place for determining your options is a soil analysis by a professional engineer. Without this analysis you cannot obtain a construction permit.
Return to TopAlternative Household Cleaning Solutions
Because many of the commercial household cleaners can cause adverse effects on a septic system it is important to limit their use when possible. Most ready-made solutions contain poisonous or toxic chemicals that may or may not be listed on the container. When using these products it is very important to follow label instructions.
In some cases, the residue from cleaners such as polishes, rugs, windows or stoves/ovens find their way into the septic system, via the cleaning clothes rinsed in the sink basin or even cleaned in the washing machine. These cleaners are additionally not supportive of a healthy septic system.
When possible, alternative household cleaners can be substituted for the commercial product. These products are less harmful to the bacteria in the septic tank, can be produced with few ingredients and require little time to combine.
Ingredient | General Use |
Baking Soda | Cleaner, Deodorizer, Fire Extinguisher, Scouring Powder |
Boiling Water | Drain Cleaner |
Borax ** | Cleaner, Disinfectant, Laundry Aid, Water Softener |
Lemon | Cleaner, Deodorizer, Stain Remover |
Salt | Cleaner |
Soap | Cleaner |
White Vinegar | Cleaner, Deodorizer, Grease Cutter |
Washing Soda ** | Cleaner, Laundry aid, grease cutter, stain remover, water softener, disinfectant |
** These products are not completely nonpoisonous
but are less toxic than commercial.
Questions Applicable to All Types of Septic Systems
Questions Specific to Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Systems
Reasons Why You Cannot Use Swimming Pool Chlorine
Solving Septic Tank and System Problems
Ten Most Asked Questions About Septic Systems